Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Polka Dots and spending a lot....

I've not posted for a while, a combination of illness, work stress and generally looking like crap has left me feeling a little bit of a mess of late. However, I'm now feeling a bit more healthy and I've been spending money like it's going out of fashion, so I've some new stuff to show you. You lucky people.

These photo's are pretty rubbish. I keep trying to get photos taken by my dear husband, but the lighting has been really crap, or we've been too drunk to take any decent ones (ha, we sound like lushes). Anyway, nothing exciting about this outfit, but the jeans are spotted!

I managed to get them from Evans when they had a 24% off event, along with Dorothy Perkins and their 25% off extravaganza, I was shopping all over the place. I also eventually had my chest properly measured, so ended up almost bankrupting myself in Bravissimo..

Spotty jeans, what's not to love? I've toned them down with a comfy jumper, but I can very much see these being worn for a night out as well.

Black skinny spotted jeans (24) - Evans
Grey/White dipped hem jumper (XL) - Dorothy Perkins
Studded Flats - Oasis

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